
We'd like you to know more about Vigilant as a company. Here are answers to some of the questions we're commonly asked. If you would like more information, call us on 888-812-4427, email us at: [email protected] or submit your question or feedback on our support form and we'll be happy to answer your questions.

How do electronic humidification systems compare to passive systems?

It depends on how wet they are. In general, electronic systems are superior to passive Credo-type humidifiers because they require less maintenance and provide more stable humidity. However, there are some electronic systems on the market that are inferior to good passive systems and simply don’t perform to the manufacturer’s specifications. A good quality electronic system is a must for the cigar smoker seeking to age and preserve cigars over a period of months and years. Among the desirable features to look for in electronic systems: A large water reservoir with a minimum 30 day supply. Time-to-fill water level indicators. An operating range no larger than 5%. Simple and accurate set point adjustment.

What is the difference between your Guardian & Sentry systems?

The Guardian system digitally controls and displays the humidity level in your cabinet, allowing you to adjust the humidity exactly to your preferred level, while the Sentry system is accurate to within 5% and features analog humidity control with an independent digital hygrometer.

How do I calibrate my hygrometer?

To calibrate, use a saturated solution of plain table salt (NaCl) and water. This solution will maintain 75% RH in a sealed environment at room temperature. All you’ll need is a tablespoon of salt, a small bottle cap-sized container, and a Ziploc bag. Place a tablespoon of salt into the small container and add a few drops of water so you have a wet pile, not dissolved salt. If you add too much water, just add more salt. Place the wet salt solution and your hygrometer into the bag, making sure not to spill the solution on your hygrometer. Press most, but not all, of the air out of the bag and seal it (make sure that the bag is well sealed). Leave it for a minimum of five hours at room temperature before checking the reading. After five hours, read the hygrometer through the bag. It should read 75%. If not, note the reading and repeat the procedure. Take the average of the two readings for a good calibration figure. For instance, if you have readings of 70 and 72%, your calibration figure should be- 4%. When checking your humidor using that hygrometer, always add 4% to get the accurate reading.

How accurate is my hygrometer?

If it is an analog (dial-type) hygrometer, it’s next to useless. If you care anything about your cigars, you should own a good digital hygrometer. Most digital hygrometers are accurate to +/-5-7% RH, which means the 70% reading on your display could translate to 65% to 75% in actual humidity in your humidor. Even if the manufacturer specifies your humidor is accurate to +/-5%, it doesn’t tell you the calibration of your particular hygrometer. A difference of 5% will make a big difference to your cigars, so you should calibrate your hygrometer annually.

How often should I change my humidor filters?

Along with using distilled water to maintain your humidor, Vigilant recommends changing the filter every 3 to 4 months. The filter can be cleaned periodically by rinsing it (with distilled water), but if it does not come clean, it’s time to replace! Replacement humidor filters can be ordered here.

Why is distilled water recommended for humidors?

Distilled water is usually recommended for most cigar humidification systems because it has no minerals, chemicals or bacteria. Minerals and chemicals can clog the absorbent materials of most passive systems and can add unwanted flavors into your cigars. While your cigars contain their own natural varieties of bacteria, foreign bacteria in tap water can contaminate your cigars. Distilled water is sold by the gallon in most supermarkets for about a $1 per gallon.



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