
Cigar Lockers Legacy Gallery

Our standard and custom cigar lockers provide secure protection and the ideal environment for long term cigar storage. Individual locking doors in wood or glass and electronic digital or analog humidification keep client or member collections safe. Custom cigar lockers can be manufactured to your exact specifications in any wood species and can be matched to any existing finish. 


Please contact a Vigilant representative for assistance in designing custom cigar lockers that meet your exact needs.

Custom Cigar Humidor Lockers and Display Cabinet for Shelly’s Back Room Tavern in Washington, D.C.

Ritz-Carlton Cigar Lounge


Situated within The Ritz-Carlton in St. Louis, The Johnson Studio at Cooper Carry approached Vigilant in their task of  revamping the cigar club presence for members and guests. The design centered on conceptualizing a Roaring 20’s speakeasy. 


The Cigar Lounge project was the winner of a 2021 Hospitality Design Award in Bar, Club + Lounge, submitted by design firm The Johnson Studio at Cooper Carry, Atlanta.

Key Features

  • 410 Individually-keyed lockers
  • Custom display cabinetry, LED Lighting and ladder
  • Cabinetry for smoking jackets and storage

Shelley's Back Room


Key Features

  • Knotty pine exterior- Unfinished mahogany interior

    Black pulls, locks keyed separately

  • Hidden European adjustable hinges and independent leveling legs

  • Remote ducted system controlling temperature & humidity levels

  • Overlay slab door lockers – wood framed glass doors – cabinet


105 individual lockers; 5-6 boxes per locker

Duquesne Club


These cigar lockers were beautifully handcrafted for the members at the Duquesne Club in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The cigar cabinet was made from quarter sawn Red Oak and completed in a custom finish and lacquer. Each cigar locker drawer uses soft-close pull-out technology and features a brass keyed lock. For storage each locker has Spanish Cedar dividers and can hold up to 50 loose cigars. Evenly humidifying each locker is Vigilant’s state-of-the-art Guardian Digital Humidification System.

Key Features

  • Quarter sawn Red Oak
  • Custom finish
  • Guardian Digital humidification system
  • Spanish Cedar dividers
  • Soft-close pull-out drawer lockers
  • Brass keyed locks


18 lockers holding up to 50 loose cigars

Wolfgang's Restaurant


We worked with Susan Tong at Four Seasons Hotels & Resorts based in Toronto, CA and designer Nicole Gordone from Waldo’s Designs in LA to design and build this custom cigar locker for Wolfgang’s Restaurant inside Four Seasons in Bahrain.

Key Features

  • Custom mahogany Humidor Cabinet with individual locker drawers, lined with Spanish cedar inside
  • Locking exterior cabinet with interior drawers keyed separately for security
  • Cabinet sides and doors accented with waved acrylic panels
  • Exterior Cabinet and interior drawer faces finished to match the clients sample
  • A Vigilant Guardian digital humidification system housed in a lower drawer provides the perfect humidity level for fine cigar storage

Bill's Sports Bar</h2


Vigilant first developed lockers for Bill’s Sports Bar in Florida. Bill was looking for a set of lockers that they had never seen before– “out of the ordinary”– a unique storage system that would match the decor of the bar. To achieve this goal, we used Tiger Maple and Honduran Mahogany to create an almost quilt like pattern. A special electronic system was created, to ensure that each individual locker got proper humidification. Each locker is keyed separately, meaning they each have their own locking system, ensuring security. Lockers can be built in any size or with any wood.

Large Humidor Cabinet with Individual Drawers

Made of Southern yellow pine, this impressive bank of 308 cigar lockers was built for a large retirement community in Alabama. Residents have their own individually keyed cigar storage drawer, each with a name plate. All cigars are perfectly humidified with a Vigilant humidification system located within the cabinets at the base of the lockers.

Individual Cigar Locker Drawers Designed with Name Plates

Cigar locker drawers can can be individually labeled and keyed to secure member’s personal cigar collections.

Bokx 109 Wine Bar and Lounge


The Bokx 109 Wine Bar and Lounge inside the Hotel Indigo in Newton, MA, needed cigar lockers to store a large collection of cigars. This credenza is made of black walnut with flat panel doors and a marble top.



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