
Standard Cigar Lockers

Vigilant cigar lockers are the #1 choice for retailers or for larger personal collections. High quality and keyed separately, they’re perfect for clubs seeking individualized, secure cigar storage for their members.

Standard humidified cigar locker cabinets are offered in mahogany with 5 standard finishes, in 4 sizes, in wood or glass, with flat or framed panel, and with 3 door options. We’re also happy to design and manufacture freestanding or built-in custom lockers to your exact specifications. We work in all wood species and can custom finish to match existing millwork.

Paired with our Guardian digital humidification system, which provides a reliable, worry-free environment for long-term cigar storage, you can also customize with LED lighting, moldings and shelving.


Learn More about Vigilant’s standard wood stains and finishes

Vigilant Wood Stains and Finishes

1 Column — 5 Lockers 

w/ Slab Doors

Cigar locker with 1 column

(also avail w/ Framed 

& Panel Doors)

2 Column — 10 Lockers 

w/ Framed & Panel Doors

(also avail w/Slab Doors)

3 Column — 15 Lockers 

w/ Slab Doors

(also avail w/ Framed 

& Panel Doors)

4 Column — 20 Lockers w/ Framed & Panel Doors

(also avail w/Slab Doors)



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